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Cargo Tracking

Take more control over your deliveries. Browse your options below for many ways to conveniently receive packages.

Package tracking tells you when your package is delivered but won’t protect your package on the porch.

Security Cameras
Security cameras keep track of activity at your front door but can be expensive to install and may not effectively deter thieves.

Porch Lock Boxes
Porch lock boxes that delivery drivers can access will protect packages but can be expensive, difficult to install and take up valuable porch space.

ProqFex Delivery Manager

Sign up for free to track packages, redirect packages to convenient locations for pickup, request vacation holds and more.

The cost is very good, easy and fast to book and great customer service, swift replies and patience... .. Jonathan


Changing the delivery address of your package could delay your scheduled delivery date. Additional transportation charges may apply.


Packaging Requirements

Packages over 25kg should be split into two cartons where possible


Save 10-30% on eBay Shipping Costs

Just plug in your parcel size and weight details, grab the free Shipping Quote code, and copy/paste it into your eBay listing description for customers to generate the real costs.

Tracking History

Log into proqfex.com account to view up to 75 of your most recently tracked shipments. You can store up to 50 tracking numbers in your Tracking History table for easy access. This is also the place to add or change a shipment description for a quick, at-a-glance reference.

Better Visibility

Stay up-to-date with an integrated view of vital shipment details throughout your entire supply chain. With ProqFex Tracking, you have the tools you need to track a single shipment moving across the country or containers moving around the globe.